Treatment is individually tailored to your needs and may consist of:
Soft Tissue Massage - involves direct physical action to the soft tissue of the body. The application of several different techniques to increase blood flow to the region and reduced painful areas.
Acupuncture - The application of small / fine needles in order to increase flow, reduce tension and pain.
Joint Mobilisation / Manipulation - application of pressure on a joint to increase joint mobility and allow movement.
Myofascial release techniques - A gradual application of stretch to increase the extensibility of fascial tissue.
Postural Education - Gaining a better awareness of your posture and its impact on your pain can be a valuable tool in dealing with long term problems.
Ergonomic Advice - Assessment of your work space environment.
Taping Techniques - Application of tape in improving postural awareness and reducing tone of tissue.
Trigger Point Release - Application of pressure in reducing muscular tone.
Strength & Stretch Based Exercise - An invaluable part of the rehabilitation and recovery process.
Pain Management Techniques - Gaining a better understanding of pain and it's management can go a long way.
Education for self-management - Gaining an increased ability to manage yourself makes physiotherapy more affordable when needed.